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WELCOME TO New Wins Hospital

In my two and a half decades of practice I have realised that there was a tremendous need gap in the care of the patients suffering from Neurological and Neurological disorders who have their unique set of problems and no Hospital in western suburbs was catering to all their requirements It was my dream to set up a dedicated neurological hospital and I am proud to say that for the last 7 years wins Hospital has been working exceptionally well in this field and is providing excellent careto many of the patients who were not able to receive proper treatment earler because of lack of proper facilities.

As our journey continues we have been joined by like minded person namely Dr Dinesh Simgh young ,knowledgeable hard working Neurologist Dr Dinesh Singh and together we have started New Wins hospital in Borivali West to further enhance patient care.As your all away that medical field is not a stagnant field it is constantly evolving and newer treatments are emerging which are improving the patient outcomes. Treatments for stroke like Mechanical Thrombectomy Carotid and intracranial stenting are becoming increasingly refined and are improving patient outcomes substantially,hence to provide these state of the art treatments we have have started the New wins hospital which will be having a new ceiling mounted Philips F12 M5 which is best Cathlab machine in western suburbs, with all the advanced softwares like 3 D reconstruction ,Stent boost etc.

The Window period in Ischemic Stroke is of prime importance and lot of this golden period is lost in getting scans like MRI or CT Scan done with none of the hospitals having in house radiology facilities.To Tide over this problem we have tied up with Nirmaan Hitech who have installed in house MRI,CT,Ultrasound etc With operationalisation of these facilities we have achieved a paradigmatic shift in Stroke care.One additional learning in our journey at WINS was that many of our patients have many comorbidities and we had a panel of specialist from many allied fields of Medicine like Cardiology Respiratory Medivine Nephrology, Surgery,Orthopaedics visiting us .Now we are formally empanelling some of our colleagues and many more will be visiting consultants.

We think this is just the beginning of our quest to deliver state of the art Healthcare in western suburbs.We look forward to participate in management of your patients
New WINS team

First Consultation - Rs. 3,000 / Followup Rs. 2,000

Why choose us?

The reasons that you should contact us


Over 20 years of experience.

Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam ut mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur.


We have experienced Doctor's.

Quisque ac orci ante. imperdiet nisi ut, viverra lorem. Nullam ex massa, euismod vel metus non.


We are improving everyday.

Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla feugiat. Nullam ut mauris vitae tortor sodales efficitur.

Dedicated to the service of Mankind... Healing with a Human Touch

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